There are several restaurants in Marsh Harbour that specialize in Bahamian Cuisine and are frequented by the local Abaconians.
Serving Breakfast and Lunch, Island Family Restaurant is a favorite that serves ‘Native Dishes.’ It is located in the shopping center that has a KFC off Don McKay Blvd. If you wish to call for hours, specials, etc. their number is: (242) 367-3778.

The Golden Grouper Restaurant is located in the bottom left corner of Dove Plaza in Marsh Harbour. You will see Dove Plaza on your right (traveling north on Don McKay Blvd.) a few blocks before the traffic light. (There is only ONE active traffic light in Marsh Harbour – the intersection of Don McKay and Queen Elizabeth Drive.) The Golden Grouper is open for Breakfast and Lunch. Phone: (242) 367-2301.

Jamie’s Place is located on Front Street – past the ‘restaurant strip’ with Snappas, Wally’s, Mangoes, and Curly Tails. It is on the left. It specializes in Bahamian and American cuisine, and also has an ice cream counter, and is open for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. The doors on the right are the entrance. The steps on the left go up to Island Boy Tackle, where you can buy fishing supplies. You can call Jamie’s Place at: (242) 367-2880.

JuNovia’s Diner – on Don McKay (on the right as you drive north) advertises that they serve Bahamian, American, and International Dishes. They are open for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. I have not dined at Junovia’s, but you can call them to inquire about specials, etc. at: (242) 367-1271.

Java is a cute coffee shop in Marsh Harbour. You will find it on Front Street – past the ‘restaurant strip’ that has Snappas, Wally’s, Mangoes, and Curly Tails. It is on the left.