October 12-14, 2019 – Post Dorian

October 12-14, 2019 – Post Dorian

I added some more pictures at the end of this post today – October 14th

Gary and I have been in Abaco since October 3rd, and I know I promised an update with pictures, but our days have been busy, and my Internet connection has often been to slow to work on a web page.  Today is a GORGEOUS day in Abaco!  We were in Casuarina Point this morning, and I took a few pictures of the beach between Calypso & Kokomo:

Saturday morning, October 12, 2019 – the beach at Casuarina Point between Kokomo & Calypso

As you can see the beach and coconut trees are still beautiful.  Julian, our gardener, has been back in Abaco for 2 and 1/2 weeks, and he has the yards looking GREAT (he has such a green thumb!), and he has helped with the washing down the outside of the houses, etc.  He is invaluable!   Marsha & Wendy have cleaned all our houses from top to bottom, so they are ready to go.  We currently have guests (insurance adjusters) staying in Kokomo & Abaco Palms.  They are a very nice group from Sedgwick International.

South Abaco is working to be back in business.  I have a lot I wish I could update on the web site, so I am hoping for better Internet soon.  Some of the big, important news:

  • Big Bird Chicken Farm (~6 miles north of Casuarina Point) has opened a convenience store/liquor store, and they sell gas and repair tires!…very convenient, one stop shopping.  Yesterday they had HOMEMADE ICE CREAM for sale!
  • Crossing Rocks and Cherokee Sound also have small grocery stores, and there is a larger grocery at Sandy Point.
  • There is a WONDERFUL bakery at Crossing Rocks run by Debbie Burrow’s sister, Elizabeth!  I will add her to the bakery page on this site soon.
  • Debbie is still here and available to cook for you.
  • Maxwell’s, our main grocery store, is scheduled to open November 7th.  They are in the process of stocking their shelves.
  • Commonwealth Bank is opening a satellite office inside Maxwell’s – so we will have a bank soon.
  • There is a working ATM in the Marsh Harbour Airport
  • Rental cars are available from Barefoot Car Rentals in Marsh Harbour
  • There are some taxis available at the airport.  When we arrived we were greeted by several who wanted to give us a ride, but a friend was there to pick us up.
  • I just saw we have an Uber driver?!  I am not sure it works like Uber in the US, but think you might have to call?
  • The Sandpiper Inn plans to open next weekend.
  • Pete’s Pub is opening the beginning of November – as originally scheduled.
  • The Blackfly will be hosting guests the beginning of November.
  • We have guests coming October 25th and a big crowd scheduled for the holidays.
  • Our bonefishing guides are ready to go fishing!
  • Deep sea fishing is available, too.
  • I am sure I am forgetting many things I should add, so I might be updating this list.

I will try to remember to take pictures of the street side of the houses and some more beach pictures and add them soon.

Today I will end with a short video I took on the deck of Kokomo last week.

Click here for a short video taken from the Kokomo deck on October 4, 2019.

Thank you for checking in.

October 14th – a few pictures of our houses at Casuarina Point, taken on Sunday, October 13, 2019.   It looks amazingly normal, but some plants are pruned more than usual.

Camp David:

Camp David viewed from the beach.
Looking west from the Deck of Camp David.
Beach view from the deck of Camp David.
View from Camp David’s deck looking east.
The beach at Camp David.
Camp David viewed from the street.


Kokomo – from the beach.
Kokomo & Calypso viewed from the beach.
Kokomo viewed from the street.
Kokomo viewed from the street.
The water in front of Kokomo.


Calypso from the beach.
Another view of Calypso from the beach.
Calypso viewed from the street.

Abaco Palms:

Abaco Palms from the beach. We still need to open the top center shutter.
Abaco Palms from the street.

When I walked down the beach to take the pictures it made me so happy to see children’s footprints on the beach!

Children’s footprints on the beach at Casuarina Point on Sunday, October 13th.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

2 thoughts on “October 12-14, 2019 – Post Dorian”

  1. Gary and Kathy;
    I’m really happy that you’re able to get Abacopalms back into operations so quickly! The pictures and information are invaluable! Sounds like the recovery is in full swing! Congratulations 🎉🎈😍😎 Brother Jim

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