I MEANT to post some pictures as soon as I got home from Abaco, but after being away so long I had SO much to do at home! Sorry for the delay, but I still want to show the stages of building, so I will post pictures here from October 22nd – the last day I took pictures in Abaco. These pictures were taken after 25 and 1/2 days of work.

The WHOLE beachside is windows – so any spot has a great view of the beach!

I left in a hurry on October 26th with ‘Tropical Storm’ Sandy on the way. I had hoped to take pictures the last day, but didn’t get to. When I reached Miami, I saw the report that HURRICANE Sandy – a Cat. 2 – was heading for Abaco! I wished I could turn around and finish securing the houses, but it was too late! Our caretaker, Rex Albury, took care of closing the shutters and preparing the houses – THANK YOU REX! Hartie and Andrew brought the boats around and left them on trailers at Abaco Palms.
Our houses made it through Sandy with no damage! The storage room door at Kokomo blew off – but it needed some work anyway- so that was VERY minor!
Here are some pictures we received right after Hurricane Sandy.

I am HOPING for some new pictures soon showing the progress at Camp David. As soon as I receive them, I will try to post. They SHOULD be putting the roof on now. That will give it a whole new look!