The following is a guest post from Chris Daughters over at Oregon Fly Fishing blog. He was one of our first year guests at Abaco Palms in 2006 and has been returning with his family almost every year.

Two days in Orlando waiting out then Hurricane Sandy, literally hours on the phone with United Airlines, and a much lighter wallet thanks to Disney, we finally arrived to Abaco Island. Much of Abaco was spared significant damage including our location at Abaco Palms, located in the settlement of Casuarina Point. We have heard that both the Northern tip and Southern tip of Abaco near Sandy point experienced considerable flooding and are still recovering.

Many of the Bonefish flats we typically fish are still muddy. The West wind tailing off the storm from the mainland U.S is still blowing and fishing conditions are less than ideal.

We have found a few fish around, and conditions appear to be improving by the day.

Despite delays and a bit of wind, 75 degrees isn’t to bad.

More on site reports to come…