In the next post we are going to start providing updates on the current progress of the house (we are slightly delayed in posting, but we have actually been under construction for the past two and a half weeks and are making some nice progress already). My goal is to bring you up to speed in a blog post or two over the next couple of days. However, before we move on to the new construction of Camp David Abaco, I thought I would provide you with a bit more history on the project!
As you can at see in the picture below, the original house was being completely overtaken by a sea grape that had not been cut for years. The week in December that I was there working, I had one of the guys on my crew working nearly full time to get rid of the sea grape on the property.

I left that week feeling like I had accomplished a great deal, with the majority of the clean up of the property already behind me. My mother Kathy went to Abaco two weeks after I had left and worked with a couple of the guys from the crew to finish the job. After another day of working on the sea grape, one of the guys excitedly motioned for my mom to come and look what he had found – a water tricycle!

Unfortunately, the wear and tear of being left out in the elements for such a long period of time had taken its toll and the bike is no longer in working condition. However, it is truly amazing to me that the bike was hidden under the sea grape in such a way that after a full week of working, we still had not uncovered it! It just goes to show how long it had been since the last time the property had been maintained.

Well, out with the old and in with the new, our next blog post will kick off the building of Camp David, Abaco. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the property transform and I wanted to share it with you!